Water Rocket Links

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A collection of personal water rocket websites, "how to" tutorials on water rocket construction, launchers, deployment systems, payload, cameras, and launch reports

Andrew Harwood's Thruststormrockets
Blog of his teams water rocket endeavors.

Number one in water rocketry!
Complete tutorials for building water rockets, videos, R & D articles, downloads (photo screensavers, MD-80 timestamp removal, ServoChron(tm) parachute deployment timer, 808 Keychain camera, and MSP430 LaunchPad Drivers).
Home of the World Record Setting X-10 and X-12 water rockets.

RaketfuedRockets.de YouTube Page!
On our website you can find tutorials, news and pictures. [Content is in German]

TDF Water Rockets
TDF Water Rockets team blog site.

Mts Water Rockets
Videos and reports of our launches every 2 weeks. Also some tutorials and information.

Reptiglorandrockets Blog
We are just a father and son team who loves to build and have fun with water rockets. We first stared out about 5 years ago when we found a water rocket toy at one of our local dollar stores. After a few days of summer fun with our new 'toy', we discovered a growing community of water rocketeers on the Internet. Little did we know that purchase of the water rocket toy would be one of the greatest purchases I have ever done! On this blog you will see our current projects and a few flight day details.

JSB Rocketry YouTube channel
based in Somerset, England and have only recently been starting to expand in Advanced Water Rocket technologies such as Splicing.

The Swing Arm Launcher
Instructions and part list to build a swing arm water rocket launcher.

ADE'S Two stage water rocket page
My interest lies in developing a reliable 'interstage' release mechanism that will allow a multi stage rocket to be launched. Other areas of investigation include adding parachute recovery to the basic rocket and also a delay system for chute deployment on the final stage.

Robert Youens' Water Rocket Page
Former altitude record of 1105 feet.  Lots of good designs and active deployment systems. From easy to extreme.

Clayton's water rockets
Clayton's water rocket site.

Dean Wheeler's Water Rockets
Cool videos, theory, and launching pumpkins!

Air Command Water Rockets
Australian site with lots of videos and tutorials.

Bruce Berggren's site
Home of The Millennium 2 Stage Water Rocket flying to an altitude of 1060 feet.

The Water Rocket Pages of U. Hornstein
General Construction Techniques but site has not been updated since 2005 so the info may be a little outdated.

Team BWR British Water Rocket Blog.
The official Team BWR blog site.

Team BWR British Water Rocket Video.
Team BWR videos.

Fi Water rockets Videos.
Team Fi Water rockets videos.

Ascender Water Rockets.
Water Rocket recovery systems and pressure vessel modifications.

N-B Water rockets blog.

Max Tepermeister's Water rocket blog
A blog following the water rocketry endeavors of Max Tepermeister And his dad. Posted to weekly.

Water rocket "how to" tutorial websites.
Learn how to build rockets, launchers, deployment systems, electronics and more.

USWaterRockets.com Tutorial Menu
The complete list of tutorials for building a water rocket, launcher and deployment system. (Including fins, nosecone, bottle spicing, parachute & servochron deployment system) The one and only place you need to go for complete step by step instructions, parts lists and videos for how to build a water rocket.
  • Building a rocket
    • How to splice bottles reliably
      In order to create larger Water Rockets with bigger pressure chambers than afforded by typical soft drink bottles, many enthusiasts have resorted to joining multiple bottles together using various methods which all are commonly referred to as "splicing". This tutorial will show you how to use this new method to create perfect splices that are easier to create and outperform traditional splices in both strength and appearance.
    • How to make tornado tube bottle couplers
      This tutorial will show a method for creating inter-bottle connectors which can be used to join together multiple bottles by the threaded necks. These bottle connectors are useful for Water Rockets because they allow for a modular approach to be applied to your rocket design, which simplifies construction and repair of a damaged rocket.
    • How to make fins for your water rocket
      One set of Water Rocket components which are critical to a successful and stable flight are the fins. U.S. Water Rockets designed and tested a new idea for creating water rocket fins which is called the "Box Fin" design, to create a quick and easy method for adding fins to Water Rockets which were much more rugged than typical fins, yet easier to fabricate with a higher degree of accuracy. This tutorial will explain how to create a triple box fin for a water rocket.
    • How to make a Nosecone
      One of the most important components you will build for your water rocket is the nosecone. This tutorial will explain how to build a good looking nosecone that performs great too.
    • Bottle Label Removal method 1
      This tutorial will show you how to prepare your bottles for Water Rocket Construction. To prepare your bottles, the labels and glue must be removed, and the bottles must be cleaned of all contamination from their contents and oils left from manufacturing or handling.
    • Bottle Label Removal method 2
      This tutorial will show you another method how to prepare your bottles for Water Rocket Construction. This involves removing the labels and adhesive from the bottles and making sure there are no oils on the bottle. Failing to do so can result in the rocket leaking or exploding under pressure, due to contaminated splices.
  • Building a launcher
    • How to build a Clark Cable Tie Launcher
      What good is building a water rocket if you have no way to launch it? The launcher we will be constructing is a variation of the Clark Cable Tie launcher, as this is the most reliable launcher that is easy to make.
    • Easy method to add an o-ring to your Launch Tube
      Revised instructions for adding the o-ring to the Clark Cable Tie Launcher launch tube which simplify the build and improve the design. We have put a lot of effort into simplifying the design to remove steps which involve precise measurements and part placement, to maximize the ease of construction.
    • Cable Tie Release Mechanism
      This tutorial shows how to add a Clark Cable Tie Release Mechanism to the 22mm Launch Tube fabricated in the previous tutorial. This tutorial shows the newly revised and simplified instructions for making the release.
    • Split Collar Launcher (the ultimate release mechanism)
      This tutorial shows how to create the latest type of water rocket launcher which uses the newest improvements.
  • Water rocket deployment systems
    • How to make a Parachute for your rocket
      A strong and reliable parachute design is very important to anyone wishing to develop a water rocket with a recovery system. Any system from a simple Air Flap mechanism to the sophisticated ServoChron(tm) electronic deploy system relies on a well made parachute. This tutorial will reveal the secrets to easily making a parachute that will safely recover your water rockets.

Water Rocket Manual
Free detailed plans for a water rocket with fin templates, and a launch tube type launcher with a Clark cable tie release complete with parts list, and detailed step-by-step instructions.

Mechanical Toys Page, Water Rocket
Step by step instructions on building a "gardenia" style water rocket and launcher
Caution: the "hand held" launcher is not recommended.

We are about 300 model rocketry enthusiasts of all ages who gather together to learn rocketry, teach rocketry, exchange modeling techniques, and , of course, fly model and high-power rockets.

J & J Water Rockets
Construction Guide to build water rockets. Last updated in 2005

Ian Clark
Inventor of the Clarke Cable Tie Launcher. Detailed instructions on building a cable tie launcher.

Air Command"s Water Rocket Recovery Systems Guide
Comprehensive guide of the various recovery systems taken from various websites organized in a easy to use guide.

Water rocket simulator websites.
Links to websites containing water rocket mathematical formulas, parachute calculations, drag calculations, online or downloadable computer models.

Water Rocket Computer Model
A Very accurate DOS based water rocket simulator (works really well with WIN98 and older PC's)

Water Rocket Fun Simulator
This program can help students and rocketeers understand the physics of water rockets and how to optimize their water rocket launches to obtain the highest apogees. The interface is designed to be easy to use and understand. Windows, MAC and Linux versions available for download.

Rocket Simulation Links
List of links to popular rocket simulation programs.

Parachute Lab
Here you can find a lot of applied results on the parachutes in flight simulation (structural, aerodynamic and aero elastic analysis).

NASA Glenn Research Center
The Beginner's Guide to Aeronautics.

Openrocket is an open source program that lets you calculate the CG and CP. You may not be able to use this as a flight simulator because it was made for pyro rockets.

Water rocket commercial websites.
Links to commercial websites selling water rockets, launchers, altimeters cameras,  o-rings, plumbing and general hardware.

All Air Incorporated.
Pneumatic cylinders, valves, hydraulic shock absorbers, and Tol-O-Matic cylinders.

Icon Plastics
Commercial supplier of clear polycarbonate mailing tubes.

Commercial supplier of o-rings. with a huge inventory which ships the same or next day.

Texas Timers
Commercial supplier selling Tomy Timers. Look under Plastic Clocks.

Campbell Tubeshield
Commercial supplier selling polycarbonate protective light covers (FTC) based in the UK.

Apogee Components
Commercial site providing Expert Information and Resources for Model Rocket Builders, Designers and Flyers.

Science and innovation for everyone. Water rocket science, adventure and fun. Educate your scouts, students or kids while having tremendous fun.

The Water Rocket Playground
Water Rockets & Water Rocket Launchers.

Antigravity Research Corporation
Likely the best commercial water rockets around. Fin sets, staging and other parts. Former record holder at 1242 feet.

Missile Works Corporation is a manufacturer and supplier of high quality, low cost rocket parts, equipment, and supplies. You'll find an extensive collection of items and information for all facets of rocketry.

wbtool.com The Construction Equipment & Hand Tool Super Store
The Construction Tool & Equipment Super Store | Concrete, Plaster, Masonry, Gunite, Restoration Flooring Tools | Concrete, Plaster, Masonry, Gunite, & Restoration Flooring Tool Experts. Provider of Honda | Multi-Quip | WackerNueson | Oztec Equipment & Parts Safety Apparel,Tool Belts & Boots are all Here | The One Stop Shop for ALL your tradesman tool needs.