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Post by RaZias »

It seems that LHC has started working.
I just want ot say that contrary to all the publicity this has not anything to do with recreating the big-bang.

They are not trying to remake the big-bang or to understand how to make a universe.
They want to detect the Higgs Particle, by coincidence the energy needed to make it detectable it is the same density of energy in the universe some microseconds after the big-bang.

What they want to know is if Higgs exists or not, it´s a theorical particle that gives mass to particles.

The accelarator actually accelarates particles and colides them, it´s like coliding two cars to see the pieces jumping of, so that way you can study what the car is made of and study each particle.

The study of the atom is the samething, in the early stages of the universe it was so hot that the particles couldn´t assemble in atoms, it´s the same as the water as gas, with the lowering of the temperature the gas will become liquid or even solid.

Maybe in 200 years we might have an accelarator to recreate the energy density level of the big-bang, so at that moment all the particles will be exposed to be studied, and the end of all secrets in physics might arrive.

There is also the dark mass particles, that we can´t detect and the dark energy that makes the universe expands, no one knows for sure why the universe is expanding...where the energy that creats expansion comes from ?

Dark particles and dark energy compose 95% of the universe so until know phisics knows like 5% of the constituition of the universe.

The big-bang theory is being putting away because there is no hot point in the universe where you can say where it was.
In fact there is several hot zones, so cientists think that it appered from the colision of 2 univeres of 5 spatial dimensions. But that is just a theory.

The all point in this accelarator things is not to know how the universe appered but to know how it wors.
To understand what is gravity is the Holy Grail of physics, if one day we can manipulate it, we will even be capable of manipulate time and weight.
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Post by U.S. Water Rockets1 »

The LHC has set world records for collision velocity that dwarf the previous record holders!

Congrats to everyone who worked on the project!
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Post by RocketScientist »

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Post by newbrocketeer »

Okay, I might be wrong but first it's not the higgs particle that gives mass but the higgs field. But if they find the huggs particle that means that the higgs field does exist (don't remember why). Second the higgs field only gives mass to elementary particles like electrons, quarks etc..