"Spreading Cone" Launcher

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Re: "Spreading Cone" Launcher

Post by bugwubber »

I keep meaning to make a checklist so I don't forget anything. That's one of the items on the checklist.

Congrats! That's a great release design. Glad to hear its working for you.


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Re: "Spreading Cone" Launcher

Post by U.S. Water Rockets1 »

SaskAlex wrote:I'm back. By the time the snow was gone and the fields were dry I had a lot of other things on the go. I finally managed to get back out a couple times in the last few days and I've whet my appetite once again.

With the spreader piece secured to the launcher, the launcher seems to be working flawlessly. I got one launch in a couple days ago with a lawn dart at 170 psi. Launcher worked flawlessly, but I lost the rocket. So that was the end of that day's testing. Yesterday I got out again, and got three successful launches in. Two of them were at about 240-250 psi, my highest pressure launches to date (and I finally used my homemade hand pump to achieve those pressures). There was also a fourth launch which triggered prematurely at about 60 psi (and caused damage to my rocket). At first I was concerned, but after inspecting ground video and photos, I realized that I had forgot to push the lever down and lock the rocket on, so it was simply operator error. Most of my previous launchers have not had a locking device that had to be manually activated, and I guess I'm just not used to that. I don't think I'll be forgetting again!

There is always a bit of a learning curve when using a new launcher system, so that mistake is perfectly understandable. We went through that when we developed our new launcher design as well. Now that we have been using it for a while, it is like an old habit. We will be documenting the new design shortly, so keep your eyes open for the update. The new mechanism has been praised as revolutionary in simplicity and functionality by the few who have seen how it works. it is probably something that may be of interest to you.
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Re: "Spreading Cone" Launcher

Post by Blenderite »

I don't get how there is a pressure seal with that o-ring. Does it just slide up and down or is it in a grove on the PVC that the lever moves? Thanks for the clarification. I would really like one of these for my current project because I don't want any of the bottle sticking out of the back of the (censored). An internal griping release system would work great since it would not have to grab onto the bottle neck like a cable tie method.

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